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A new season

A new season

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year.  The changing leaves, pumpkin everything, sweaters, crisp morning air, and, of course, football.  This year I had the privilege of going back to spend part of the autumn season in my home state of West Virginia.  While I...

I see Him!

I see Him!

Jimmy and I had been planning a trip to New England. When talking with friends, we realized their trip to New England and ours would overlap by one day. It was decided we would spend that day together exploring Martha's Vineyard. Excitedly, our ferry reservations were...

The “rock” of family

The “rock” of family

The blessing of family..... It was a table for, dad and six children.  The children ranged in age from approximately 10 years old to one year old.  Each child sat happily in his or her chair, quietly drawing, joining the conversation among them and...

Recent Posts

Be Still……..

It was during my morning walk I took this photo.  I was so in awe of the beauty and colors.  Then the symbolism struck reminded me that every day is a new dawn and a new beginning.  One of my favorite scriptures came to mind.....Be still and know that I am...

The “rock” of friendship

Our friendships are such a blessing..... My friends visiting from Kentucky and I journeyed to Southport, NC to have lunch with another dear friend.  It had been over a year since we were all together.  We were so excited to be together again.  There were greetings of...

Rocking with Jesus

Our blessings continue..... My friends and I had a "shop till you drop" day.  We decided to take a break and have some lunch.  Like most groups of women, we discussed what we wanted to eat, where we wanted to eat.....for quite a while.  I drove past a restaurant where...

“Rock On”

Have you ever hoped to bless someone else and received a bigger blessing yourself? Jimmy and I have been in SC for just over a year now.  I have settled in, am really happy, but have been missing the service work my friends and I did together in Owensboro, KY.  I had...

God is in control

Ever have one of those days when what should be so simple becomes so convoluted?  Often it is only on reflection that it becomes clear...... Recently, Jimmy and I were traveling to Baltimore for the day.  We had an engagement on a Friday afternoon, but we didn't...