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Be Still……..

Be Still……..

It was during my morning walk I took this photo.  I was so in awe of the beauty and colors.  Then the symbolism struck reminded me that every day is a new dawn and a new beginning.  One of my favorite scriptures came to mind.....Be still and know that I am...

The “rock” of friendship

The “rock” of friendship

Our friendships are such a blessing..... My friends visiting from Kentucky and I journeyed to Southport, NC to have lunch with another dear friend.  It had been over a year since we were all together.  We were so excited to be together again.  There were greetings of...

Rocking with Jesus

Rocking with Jesus

Our blessings continue..... My friends and I had a "shop till you drop" day.  We decided to take a break and have some lunch.  Like most groups of women, we discussed what we wanted to eat, where we wanted to eat.....for quite a while.  I drove past a restaurant where...

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Let Your Light Shine!

In our everyday routine, do we as believers live in such a way that others see Jesus through us?  Do others hear Jesus when we speak? During her high school graduation, Valedictorian Lydia Owens delivered a powerful and moving speech sharing how she has found strength...

Beautifully Broken

Chance and I were walking along the beach and talking when I stopped to pick up a couple shells.  He shared a conversation with me that he had with his Aunt Linda.  He and his aunt had been sitting along the beach when she wanted to share with him the shells she had...

“It’s the only thing you ever asked me for.”

A couple days after Christmas, Jimmy and I traveled to LaPlata to visit with his mother and family.  We had talked and visited for a while when Jimmy left the room.  I think his mother was waiting until we had a moment alone; she immediately asked me to hand her the...

“Don’t forget to breathe…..”

I recently began Pilates and absolutely love it!  I have always exercised but Reformer Pilates has been a new experience for me.  It was during a recent class the instructor guided us through our side planks using the reformer.  It went something like this:  Place...

“Everybody’s got stuff”

"Everybody's got stuff" is a phrase my girlfriends and I coined in the late 90's.  It originated during a conversation discussing our current issues, the problems of other friends, and the difficulties our coworkers were experiencing.  It summarizes the realization...