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The “rock” of friendship

August 24, 2023

Category: My Story

Our friendships are such a blessing…..

My friends visiting from Kentucky and I journeyed to Southport, NC to have lunch with another dear friend.  It had been over a year since we were all together.  We were so excited to be together again.  There were greetings of hugs and the catching up began!

We had been seated at our table for just a short while when I noticed two women sitting near us.  I glanced toward the door as two more women entered the restaurant.  They seemed giddy with excitement as they made their way through the restaurant and joined the other two women.  Their “hello’s” began and soon the foursome was deep in conversation.  We occasionally heard their laughter as they enjoyed their lunch and time together.

It was decided we would gift our “rock” to them.  We entirely understood their excitement and enjoyment about spending time with one another.  We certainly understood the value placed on their friendship.

Our discussion about scripture selection was very short and easy.  Our friend said, “I woke up this morning with Proverbs 17:17 (a friend loveth at all times) on my mind”.  Well, it couldn’t have been clearer that these were our ladies and that was our scripture!

We asked our server to assist us and he was happy to deliver our verse and rock to their table.

The ladies, of course, looked quite surprised as they passed the rock and slip of paper containing the verse around the table.  My friends and I joked about who would take it home…..would they pass it to the next one each time they met for lunch…..would it be passed to the friend who was experiencing a difficult time…..would they pass it on to another group of friends…..

Again, we will never know the full impact, but we fully believe the gesture touched their hearts and the message was received.

Where will we be led to “Rockin’ for Jesus” next………

Ephesians 2:8 by His grace, Karen



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