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“It’s the only thing you ever asked me for.”

January 6, 2023

Category: My Story

A couple days after Christmas, Jimmy and I traveled to LaPlata to visit with his mother and family.  We had talked and visited for a while when Jimmy left the room.  I think his mother was waiting until we had a moment alone; she immediately asked me to hand her the package wrapped in blue on her dresser.  As I handed it to her, I noticed the card attached had my name written on it.  She confirmed the package was for me and asked me to open it.  I read the sweet message she had written in the card and proceeded to open the package.  I was very surprised to see it contained a painting she had done many years before.  I have always longed for one of her paintings and this happened to be the particular painting I had admired most.  I was extremely touched she had remembered a conversation that happened years before and she had chosen to give the painting to me.  As I thanked her for such a meaningful gift, she took my hand, and looking directly into my eyes, she said, “It’s the only thing you ever asked me for”.

The beautiful thing is……I never needed to ask her for anything…..

From our first introduction, I was immediately a member of the family.

From the beginning, she embraced me with immense love.

My children instantly became her grandchildren.

She has become my dear friend as well as my mother-in-law.

As Jimmy and I were driving back to South Carolina, her words continued to cycle through my mind, “It’s the only thing you ever asked me for…..It’s the only thing you ever asked me for…..It’s the only thing you ever asked me for”.

As the miles passed, it occurred to me our Heavenly Father has made a simple ask of us…..that we believe in Him, that we accept Him as our Saviour, that He may enter our hearts and lives, that we become a follower.

The beautiful thing is……once we accept Him, we too will never need to ask for anything…..

From the introduction, we are immediately a member of the kingdom.

From the beginning, we are embraced with immense love.

We instantly become children of God.

He will become our dear friend and companion, walking with us daily.

It may be a simple ask of our Lord, but it is life changing!

I have my treasured painting prominently displayed in our home.  It will be a continuous reminder of my sweet mother-in-law and a relationship I cherish.  It will remind me how, through the years without fail, as we say our goodbyes, she asks me to take care of her son.  In exchange, I thank her for raising my wonderful husband.  Her beautiful painting is a reflection of the blessing she is to me…..a blessing I never had to ask for.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved   Acts 16:31

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you   Matthew 6:33

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God   1 John 3:1


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