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A Girl’s Crown

December 1, 2021

Category: My Story

I love this picture! If I could surround this picture with heart emojis – it still wouldn’t express how much I love it!

A dear friend shared this drawing with me; her granddaughter was asked to draw a self-portrait and this is the result.  Isn’t it beautiful how little Harper views herself wearing a crown?  There is so much we as adults can learn from this sweet girl.

Where is your crown?  What’s that… think you aren’t worthy?  Did you remove your own crown years ago…..or did you allow someone else to remove your crown?

Several months ago, my friends and I got together to work on a project for our nonprofit organization.  As we were leaving and walking to our cars, one of my friends said to me, “I am pretty sure that I lost my crown”.  I looked at her with what I know was a puzzled expression and said, “Oh, I didn’t notice…..”  My friend shook her head, laughed at me, and said, “My tooth! I lost the crown from my tooth”.  We had a good laugh as I explained that my first thought was…..I didn’t notice that Amy was wearing a crown this evening, but okay…..In my opinion, it would have definitely been appropriate if Amy had been wearing a crown.

You see, my friend is completely worthy of wearing a crown.  In fact, all the women in my life…, friends, acquaintances…..are worthy of crowns.  We juggle being the best person we can be…..the best wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend, employee, coworker, neighbor, advocate…..and the list continues.  We strive to be everything to everyone in our lives and we want to be the very best at it.

So, if during these hectic times you forget, let me be the first to remind you…..You are worthy of a crown!  You have earned it!  Don’t ever underestimate yourself, your abilities, or what you mean to someone else.  Reach up and straighten that crown on your head!

And while you are straightening your crown…..reach out and remind a friend that she is also worthy of a crown.

At a recent homecoming game in Mississippi, Nyla was crowned her high school’s homecoming queen.  Nyla promptly removed the crown from her head; she turned to Brittany, the candidate standing beside her, and placed the crown on her head.  Sadly, Brittany’s mother passed that very morning as she lost her long battle with breast cancer.  When Nyla was asked why she passed her crown, she responded, “I was telling her that she was her mom’s queen and I was letting her know that she is loved by many and especially me”.

This is such a beautiful story and a shining example of how we should all be supporting, loving, and “crowning” each other.  Don’t ever hesitate to share your crown with those around you…..You never know the difference it may make to someone.

So square those shoulders, hold that head high, and straighten that crown on your head!  Don’t ever forget that you are worthy, don’t ever forget that you matter.  You are enough, you are simply you and you are “crown worthy”!

Like little Harper…..envision yourself with a crown…..and wear it proudly!  Like Nyla…..share your crown with others…..and support those around you!

Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of God

Isaiah 62:3

Ephesians 2:8 by His grace, Karen


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